Centrica plc (Scottish Gas and British Gas) is a British multinational utility company and is the largest supplier of gas to domestic customers in the UK, and one of the largest suppliers of electricity.

Techniques for Change were invited to run a comprehensive Consulting Skills programme for over 50 managers


  • Module #1 – Consulting
  • Module #2 – Building and managing relationships
  • Module #3 – Strategic and creative thinking
  • Module #4 – Analysing and presenting information
“Really good content. Very helpful to dedicate the time to ‘hone’ presentation skills. As ever the trainer was excellent and pleasure to be taught and instructed by him. Thank you.” Chris Murphy, Procurement and Supplier Manager, Centrica

Techniques for Change ran a course called Managing the Emotional Impact of Change

This course for Centrica helps manage the softer issues involved in change for themselves and their teams.

“Thought provoking course which introduced ideas on change management providing opportunities to improve on-the-job performance. Well presented.” Mario Pascoe, Head of Governance and Continuity, Centrica
“Good practical cover and plenty of ideas/items to use in upcoming change project. Case study worked well to pull all ideas/theories together.” Sharon Farby, Assistant Manager, Centrica